Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Joy of the Op-shop

There is something magical about finding a beautiful vintage piece. It's the hunt. It's the challenge. It's that sense of discovery. It's that feeling of triumph and knowing the last hour you spent trawling through old clothes hasn't been wasted. And when it costs you less than your lunch then it's even better.
You might find a gorgeous size 28 silk blouse and come hell or high water you will make it work because you couldn't possibly walk away from that pattern. Vintage clothes are often well made, use quality material and make up some of the few remaining things that aren't made in China. They are unique. I think that's what keeps me going back into op-shops. Despite the smell, and all the other not-so-glamorous aspects of op-shops I know what I will find cannot be found in any other store. It forces you to open your mind and appreciate what every item as to offer. It means you are never shopping on trend and are able to impartially judge each piece for what it is worth.
Throughout this blog I want to share some of the pieces I find as I hunt through op-shops. I'd love to see and hear about some of the pieces you have found. Send me a picture, tell me the store you bought it from and how much you paid for it. I love to hear about the stories behind how people came across certain pieces.
I'll provide shop details of where pieces are from too just in case you care to pay them a visit.

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